Years of consultation and review have finally come to a head with reforms to NSW strata laws due to commence this week.
REINSW president John Cunningham said over 90 new strata laws will make a difference to the lives of those living in NSW.
“These reforms will benefit owners, tenants and property managers and bring the laws in line with current thinking,” Mr Cunningham said.
“They recognise the changes that have been made in technology in the last 25 years with voting now available electronically, via Skype calls and by email.
“Everyday improvements like hanging pictures; coat hooks and filling cracks can go ahead and kitchen or bathroom renovations, installing timber or tile floors and replacing wiring or power points no longer need a special resolution by-law.”
Mr Cunningham said landlords may be held liable to their tenants for second hand smoke exposure. Owners corporations can also create by-laws banning smoking throughout an entire strata building. Orders against residents who smoke or allow their cigarette or barbeque smoke to drift into other units can also be created.
The new laws will be welcome news for animal lovers, as the keeping of pets has been made easier as a request to keep a pet cannot be unreasonably refused.
“Owners will be able to appeal to the [NSW Civil and Administrative Affairs Tribunal] if they believe the request was unreasonably withheld,” Mr Cunningham said.
“Reviewing and updating legislation is vital to ensuring that it keeps pace with changing society. We look forward to continued amendments to strata legislation over the coming years,” he concluded.