Promoted by Loan Market Group.
US business-growth guru smashes the hurdles faced by 90% of brokers to help them get s#!& done in an uncertain market.
Now more than ever in the wake of the Royal Commission recommendations, brokers are facing disruption and uncertainty. What you do now will make or break your business. At this critical time, US business-growth coach brings us together to focus on the key areas of your business to drive results and get s#!& done.
It’s a common industry sight: a frazzled broker sifting through a bottomless inbox, their PC framed by multi-coloured post-it notes reminding them of approaching deadlines.
“It’s just so hard to get s#!& done,” they say, as their mobile rings - another customer wanting an update on their application.
Global Practice Leader of Execution for Franklin Covey and author of Wall Street Journal best-seller, The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) Chris McChesney, helps unlock the secrets to achieving business goals.
According to McChesney, everyone within a business should know and be able to contribute to the collective WIG - the ‘Wildly Important Goal’.
“It’s about identifying the most important objective that won’t be achieved without special attention,” Chesney said. “That helps you identify where you are now, where you want to be and by when.”
In the 4 Disciplines of Execution, McChesney outlines how to:
- track progress in achieving the WIG;
- identify the ‘levers’ get there;
- engage staff to contribute to the path;
- make a commitment to accountability.
Chesney’s tactics have been adopted by the likes of global business titans including Coca-Cola and Ritz Carlton. Locally, mortgage aggregator Loan Market Group has embraced the steps to sustainably extend the service offering to its national network and is inviting the industry to benefit from the same at its Get S#!& Done Summit next month.
Loan Market adopted McChesney’s tactics after its internal polling found 90% of brokers were struggling to ‘get s#!& done’ amidst the modern business landscape in this post Royal Commission world.
With brokers chasing assessors, keeping abreast of myriad lender policies, reporting to and following up colleagues, updating referrers, digesting the Royal Commission and countless other everyday activities, it was difficult to execute the overarching business goals.
Focusing on the fundamentals of execution, mortgage brokers at McChesney’s Sydney appearance will transfer his blueprint to improve lead numbers, reduce reworks, increase referral partners and improve conversion ratios.
“If you’re setting out the goals for a winnable game, there’s little point without having everyone know how you’re going to play the game,” said McChesney.
“Nothing drives morale and engagement more than winning.”
Loan Market Group’s International number one broker and winner of Australian Broker of the Year at the 2018 Australian Mortgage Awards, Josh Bartlett from Loan Market Bayside is a keen advocate of structure and accountability, he recognises the value in McChesney’s framework.
"Chris says, ‘A good idea without execution, is worthless’ - I love this comment,” said Bartlett. “So often we come up with great things, start doing them or - even worse - never get around to starting.
“This summit is about creating a winnable game which makes perfect sense to me. I need a system that delivers even greater execution to take my business to the next level. I’m there!”
The Adviser’s 2018 Broker of the Year, Bernard Desmond, was particularly excited to hear McChesney’s perspective on ‘accountability’ at the Summit.
“The Summit will be the number one ticket for our industry this year,” he said.
“In any business - or anything in life, for that matter - if you don’t write your plan down on paper and share it with someone you respect, then you’re not accountable or committed to it,” said Desmond.
“I see so many brokers become sidetracked trying to influence things which are beyond their control when they should just be focusing on their core business of prospecting loans.”
Loan Market Group is hosting Chris McChesney’s visit to Australia where he will lead a two-day conference on March 27-28 at the Sheraton on the Park, Sydney.
To find out more and to attend this break-through industry event, head to: https://www.loanmarket.com.au/get-it-done