With the world of broking being as busy as ever, it’s crucial that brokers ensure they can deal with the stress of a constant barrage of phone calls, emails, and meetings. We find out what brokers do to de-stress and unwind.
Find out what other brokers do to unwind and de-stress in The Adviser’s videos or learn more about how Australian mortgage and finance brokers are running their businesses and supporting Australian borrowers in The Adviser’s podcasts.
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If you have a question that you’d like answered by psychotherapist Bronwyn Penhaligon in the Your Health in Mind section of The Adviser magazine, you can email your question in confidence to
If you require mental health support and want to talk to a counsellor, free, confidential counselling is available from Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.
If you are concerned for your immediate safety or the safety of others, call Triple Zero (000).