1300HomeLoan has officially kicked off its market launch with a new mass advertising campaign.
The new campaign, which was officially rolled out last week, includes extensive television, print and online advertisements.
Speaking about the launch, 1300HomeLoan founder and managing director John Kolenda said the company had spent the last year hand-picking more than 200 mortgage brokers, and it now has the critical mass to start operations.
"With our website and call centre infrastructure in place we are ready to start generating warm leads for our partners to make a significant boost to their business," he said.
Mr Kolenda said he was still signing up new partners for the network almost every day and was progressing rapidly towards his eventual target of 400 members who would share an annual marketing war chest of $4 million.
"A part of our strategy has been to only sign up members who meet high standards of excellence, professionalism and customer service and I am pleased to say we have achieved that."
"We have members who have been acclaimed as being among the top 10 in the industry and quite a number of who are highly awarded and among the best performing brokers under their aggregator."
New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria each have 30 per cent of the current membership while South Australia and Western Australia have 5 per cent each.
Mr Kolenda said the 1300HomeLoan brand was exclusive to selected brokers on a postcode basis and was supported by the 1300HomeLoan marketing, individual broker promotion, a website and a host of other support material.
"We are a revolutionary service for brokers who will continue to own their own businesses and we are independent of aggregator affiliation," he said.
"That means we can be a real force for competition in the industry by bringing business to trusted local champions who retain their own identities against the tide of bank takeovers of aggregators."