Staff Reporter
The mortgage broking sector could enjoy a surge in employment if predictions by the Mortgage Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) are to be believed.
MFAA chief executive Phil Naylor said hundreds of jobs could be added in the mortgage broking sector this year.
If this happens, he said it is likely that the third party channel would also successfully grow its share of the market.
“We expect that the mortgage broker share of the market should expand further this year. We are seeing quite a few of our corporate members looking to expand their mortgage broking operations and lift their standards to meet customer expectations,” he said.
“MFAA members are established as a trusted source of information and loans for borrowers. Our members adhere to an industry code of practice, which sets high professional and ethical standards”, he added.
Many of the new jobs to be added will be filled by former staff members of the major banks, which are seeking to control their costs while maintaining their strict lending and service practices by using MFAA accredited members.