Staff Reporter
Westpac has highlighted its charitable side, with the bank donating $2.28 million to various charities across Australia.
Yesterday, Westpac revealed the group and its staff have donated over $4.5 million to around 650 Australia-based charities as part of its 2013 Matching Gifts program.
The program is Westpac’s largest corporate giving initiative and was the first of its kind to be introduced among Australian banks.
Westpac employees choose the pace and direction of giving from the bank, with Westpac Group matching donations made by employees, dollar for dollar, to any tax-deductible registered charity over the previous year.
Samantha Brown, head of community involvement, said that the Matching Gifts program had been a great success and since the program began in December 1998, $35 million had been donated to more than 1,700 charities by employees and the bank.
“We’re proud to support our employees’ generosity this way. By matching our employees’ donations we are not only making a valuable contribution to charities right across the country, but also bringing our people closer to their communities,” Ms Brown said.
Top 10 charities for Westpac Group employee donations include the St George Foundation, World Vision Australia, Mission Australia and Movember.