By: Staff Reporter
RAMS home loans chief executive Melos Sulicich will show the industry what he is made of when he sets off on a 10-day Tour de Cure bike ride through northern NSW to Queensland’s Sunshine Coast today.
Mr Sulicich will join 100 other cyclists in riding 1,400 km to raise funds for cancer cure research.
A sponsor of the event, RAMS will also contribute $10,000 to the cause.
“RAMS is extremely proud to be able to get involved in this worthy cause. On a personal level, it means so much to me to be able to participate in the ride,” Mr Sulicich said.
“I have been training since mid-December, riding around Sydney in the early hours of the morning when most people are still tucked in bed, and to regional areas on the weekends.”
“Unfortunately, too many Australians are affected by cancer every day and through our efforts, we are hoping to make the lives of cancer sufferers more comfortable and ease the pain experienced by their families and loved ones.”
The Tour de Cure riders are well on track to raising their $1 million fundraising goal. The money will be spent on cancer research, support and prevention, for the hundreds of thousands of Australians who are affected by cancer every year.
Mr Sulicich has raised more than $18 000 from individual sponsorship contributions.