The Queensland-based bank has announced that WA brokers will soon have a new broker relationship manager, following the retirement of existing BRM Lianne Dickson.
Brokers in WA writing loans with Auswide Bank will have a new broker relationship manager (BRM) from the end of this month, following the retirement of Lianne Dickson on 27 August.
Ms Dickson has been the BRM for Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay & WA for the past six years and had a 34-year career at St.George Bank prior to joining Auswide Bank.
She has announced her intention to retire, taking effect from 27 August.
Given this, the bank has restructured the management of its broker portfolio, with Sharon Giddins, who is currently the BRM for north and central Queensland, taking on responsibilities for the WA portfolio.
In a note to brokers, Tracy Field, Auswide Bank’s head of third party, said: “I would like to personally thank and acknowledge Lianne for her many achievements during her time with the Auswide in looking after her broker portolios, one of which is WA.”
Ms Field noted that the incoming BRM for WA was an “experienced BRM” with a “strong background in lending, credit policy knowledge and broker management”.
“I have every confidence that Sharon will provide an outstanding broker experience and support,” she said.
[Related: Brokers contribute to Auswide Bank book growth]