Despite fires, COVID and now floods, Credit Fix Solutions has managed to score the ultimate award in the mortgage broker industry: The FBAA Industry Supplier of the Year Award 2021.
The FBAA threw the greatest national gala dinner event last Friday night at Movie World where the awards were announced.
Victoria Coster, CEO and Founder of Credit Fix Solutions is absolutely honoured to receive the award on behalf of her and her team.
The award winning ‘SuperGirl’ yes..that was the outfit she picked for the FBAA Gala dinner last Friday night, says ‘Since I started Credit Fix Solutions in 2014, I’ve put everything I have, my time, my passion and money into providing a value-add service to brokers. Not only to educate then on credit reporting, but also to help them write more loans.’
‘The FBAA have always supported me, even when I just had a few brokers operating out of my housing commission unit when I first started the business back in 2013’.
‘A special thank you to Peter White and Leah Renwick for always having my back and trusting me and my team to provide honest and reliable credit repair services and credit report education for their brokers’.
The team would also like to thank the many thousands of brokers who have trusted Credit Fix Solutions with their clients over the years.
If you would like to become a referral partner, just click the link today, fill in the form, and you’ll be sent the details of your State BDM as well as some top tips on credit reporting you can use today!