Staff Reporter
While other financial institutions continue to lay off staff, one lender has made it clear it plans to ramp up its employee numbers over the coming financial year.
Speaking at Heritage Bank’s Annual General Meeting in Toowoomba yesterday, chairman Kerry Betros said the bank will increase its workforce by at least 20 positions.
Mr Betros said Heritage had achieved a range of strategic outcomes in 2011/12 - changing its name to Heritage Bank; opening two new branches, extending its mortgage broker network nationwide, and raising $227.5 million through the issue of Heritage Bank Retail Bonds.
As a result, Heritage is well positioned and optimistic about the year ahead.
“We are increasing our workforce to help take advantage of emerging business streams that provide real opportunities for Heritage to leverage our specialist skills and expertise,” he said.
“We are already one of Australia’s largest issuers of pre-paid cards and will look to capitalise on our expertise in this area. In recent times we have developed relationships with a number of key partners such as Australia Post, Emerchants and Wright Express that are opening up new opportunities.
“We are also looking to kick-start a new business based on our expertise in on-line training for financial institutions. The catalyst for this has been changes to national credit legislation that mean credit representatives must soon obtain higher qualifications before they can work with customers.
“This is an example of how we are taking a niche area where Heritage has specialist expertise and leveraging that advantage to grow our business.”