Promoted by Allianz Australia:
Clients seek you out to make purchasing a home simple. We make owning that property just as easy by providing your clients with access to Emergency Home Assistance.
Emergency Home Assistance is the convenient service that connects home owners with local tradespeople in a flash for 10 common home emergencies.
For a limited time only, you can add 12 months’ Emergency Home Assistance to your customers’ new Allianz Home Buildings, Contents or Landlord Insurance at no added cost.
Your customers will thank you for the extra peace of mind. So how exactly does it work?
Let’s take a hypothetical scenario of a typical Emergency Home Assistance customer.
Meet Nina.
Nina woke up to find that her toilet was blocked. Luckily for her, the Allianz Home and Contents Insurance policy she purchased through the Allianz Referral Program included 12 months’ Emergency Home Assistance. This service made repairing her home easy. She called the 24/7 support helpline and was put in contact with a local tradesperson who was available and attended her property and fixed the issue that morning. Best of all, her Emergency Home Assistance included two annual callouts of up to $300 each. Her issue was fixed and she wasn’t out of pocket.
While Nina’s situation was inconvenient, unfortunately it’s not unique. Almost 40% of Emergency Home Assistance callouts occur between 9am – 11am, just as your clients are starting their days.
Now’s the time to take the stress out of your customers’ lives with Emergency Home Assistance.
Until 18 December 2017, we are offering 12 months’ Emergency Home Assistance to your customers at no added cost when they purchase a new Allianz Home Buildings, Contents or Landlord insurance policy through the Allianz Referral Program.
Call 1300 485 474 or visit www.refer.allianz.com.au for more information.
Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. See Emergency Home Assistance Terms and Conditions at refer.allianz.com.au/ehacampaign for details. Allianz Emergency Home Assistance provided by AWP Australia Pty Limited ABN 52 097 227 177 trading as Allianz Global Assistance.