
Khalil Sader – It’s Never Business it’s always Personal: Building Perseus Finance

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Perseus Finance is a leading boutique asset and commercial financial broking firm with a primary focus on client needs and requirements. This article explores the director, Khalil Sader’s journey in building the company, his inspiration for the industry and his unique approach to customer service. Khalil also shares insights into his approach of staying ahead of industry trends, a memorable client story and lessons he’s learned along the way.

How did you start down this career path?

Prior to Perseus Finance, I spent over 17 years in the motor industry and cultivated a robust personal network. Perseus Finance was established with the vision of assisting these core clients and addressing their finance needs. My core belief is that good business has always been grounded in sincere and long-term relationships. This dedication to these chief values has fostered a strong sense of client loyalty over the years.

We offer high levels of service, real relationships, and a genuine care to not only support clients with their transactional needs but to also take on the role of as a trusted financial advisor in both their personal and business life. The impact and importance this has had on our company is so clearly seen where I am still assisting and writing loans for clients, I first met in 1999 that have followed and supported my career.

What inspires you in your role/industry? Why?

The opportunity to make a real and tangible difference in the lives of my clients is really what inspires me most in my role. Often, many clients are faced with the financial challenges of their personal and/or businesses affairs, relying heavily on accountants for guidance. Due to the busy nature of accountancies, the in-depth consultancy our clients are wanting are often not met. This is where I step in. Knowing I can help clients make informed decision that significantly and positively affect their financial well-being motivates me to continuously innovate, upskill and improve both the business and our processes.

While I really enjoy the work and the industry itself, my main inspiration first and foremost stems from my clients and the positive impact my work can achieve for them.

What's your approach to customer service that separates you from the rest?

Our leading customer service approach is set apart by our unwavering commitment to relationship building and networking. We schedule various networking events so our clients – both consumer and commercial businesses from a diverse field of industries - can meet and form new mutually beneficial relationships. Additionally, we feature our clients in our newsletters to promote their business through our network. We also offer opportunities for clients to sell vehicles/assets through our network.

Perseus Finance is entirely based on relationship building and networking. We further offer budgeting and restructuring consultancy services to our clients - free of charge. This works exceptionally well for those who are great at running their business operationally, however, are not so great with financial management. This service includes personal budgeting, goal setting and customised programs to position them to always be credit worthy. Our aim in everything we do is to not be transactional but rather be a trusted advisor in it for the long haul.

How do you innovate and stay ahead of industry trends?

After building a strong foundation in customer service, we began to broaden our scope on innovation. This has primarily involved leveraging and integrating exciting new technologies and software into various aspects of both the business and individual deal processes. Nonetheless, we simultaneously remain committed to continually enhancing our client relationships, ensuring this critical aspect is not neglected amidst the surge of new innovations.

We have now begun to attract enquiries through online advertising to future proof & create a well-balanced business. Additionally, we have also recently begun an intern program. We do not hire established brokers. Rather, we aim to train and develop emerging graduates or University/TAFE students to grow and flourish in our small business. We have had one intern thus far but are interviewing for an additional, and we are aiming for a third by the end of the year. We are dedicated to supporting diversity, recognising that differing perspectives greatly strengthen a team and the organisation. In collaboration with Nova employment, we are exploring opportunities to employ people with disabilities within our business.

Can you share a memorable story where Perseus significantly impacted a client’s financial situation

A client who had obtained multiple asset finance loans and business loans contacted me seeking another unsecured business loan. After review of their file, I noticed we had organised an unsecured business loan for them not so long ago and it didn’t seem necessary for them to acquire an additional unsecured business loan.

I invited the client into the office and asked them to bring their budgets and financial data for a review of their finances – both business and personal. Through a deep dive into their financials, we discovered they didn’t require another loan. Rather they just needed to manage their finances more effectively, increase their revenue and manage their cashflow cycle better. We curated a program for them – 1) helping them set a more realistic personal and business budget, 2) separate their business and personal expenditure and 3) connected them with a few of our clients in our network to explore a range of new project opportunities. Within 6 months the unsecured loan was successfully paid off and they were on a healthier and more sustainable financial path.

What are some of the most valuable lessons you have learned throughout your career?

  • The relationship between yourself and the client is everything
  • The fast eat the slow – being efficient is crucial in a business like ours, you can’t waste time because everyone is always on the go. It’s easy for clients to move on
  • You need to always be prepared to go above and beyond the regular duty
  • Making mistakes is part of the journey – it’s always the biggest learning curve that you’ll have so welcome and embrace them
  • Signpost the way for clients to help them understand the process and set realistic expectations from the beginning
  • Always deliver on what you say you’ll do

I’ll leave you on this note:

Never be afraid to ask. You never get what you don’t ask for, and if you never try then you never know. I would rather try and fail than sit there and wonder what could have been and that’s always been the attitude from the beginning. It’s how Perseus Finance got started and it’s how its grown to what it is now.


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