We’ve all heard the story over and over again, that people judge you on that first few seconds of a meeting, either by what you’re wearing, what you say or how you say it, to even just looking at your posture or reading what you’ve written.
If you’re grumpy, upset and sad the weekend is over, and you have that feeling of ‘Ohhhh it’s Monday… I have to go to work, I wish I had the day off’ then you’re better off staying home, rather than facing potential new business.
Mondays are a very important day of the week, as there’s been a weekend of sale opens, potential investor purchases, new enquiry into your office while you were away, and hopefully an entire list of new leads that have come through the sales team, which you need to go and chase.
One thing I cringe at is when I see posts on social media of a professional saying it’s Monday. I know that you may feel I’m being harsh, but the feeling grows inside you when you continue to banter about it being Monday. I challenge you to keep an eye out for the posts during the week. Early week posts aren’t as happy as they are during the latter parts of the week or even the weekend. I didn’t even know what 'Hump Day' was until I joined Facebook. By the time Thursday comes along, you notice the change as people start planning the weekend activities, which there’s nothing wrong in doing.
Find that switch on your way to work, listen to your favourite music, call that friend that just makes you laugh, even the best athletes have a coach that motivates them before they go out for action, we are the same, I’m a coach, and I have a coach………find your switch, so you can be in the right mindset when calling those clients, when speaking to co-workers and keeping them motivated, as our attitudes are contagious.
The main focus I want to push here is that as a broker, you need to stay motivated, focused on catching leads at every opportunity possible, and Mondays are a huge day for business. Sale opens, investor purchases and any enquiry that may have come in over the weekend, all need to be called promptly with the right attitude so you can leave that lasting impression to get the business.
Happy Mondays and I hope your new business is on fire.