Can you believe that we have come to the end of the first quarter this year? And yes, the most common comment is how quickly the year is flying by – yet again.
How well have you unleashed your brilliance on the market this first quarter?
As the year is going by fast, I suggest that you perhaps take some time and review your first quarter activity and results and quickly make any necessary adjustments.
We finally have the market we have all been waiting for and this should be reflected in your results.
To be the best at what you do, because if you are the best then the rest follows, here are some simple tips you may want to consider:
- Ensure that you have in place a simple plan that is designed to keep you on track to your success. Most importantly however ensure that you have the discipline to stick to it. Many of us go on a weight loss program regularly however we don’t get the full results because we don’t have the discipline to change our eating and exercise habits.
- It will take you about 90 days to get into great habits. So ensure that you have someone who will hold you accountable to your business plan and activities. Make the activities a habit.
- Stop for a moment and look around you. What or who are you surrounded by – excellence or average. How can you stand out? Ensure that you create memorable experiences that will your clients talking about you to others.
- We all have the same amount of time in any one day. Ensure that you leverage this time effectively. Review all the non-dollar productive tasks and consider a full or part time PA. Take that leap of faith in yourself
- How effectively are you using your database to forge human connections? Your database is the key to your success. How well do the people on your data base know you, like you and trust you? If you haven’t yet make sure you have a contact plan in place that is a mix of calls, emails, handwritten notes, relevant information etc
- To be great at what you do requires small steady wins, the focus, discipline and determination to be world class, to be the best every day. Have you got the right people, systems, technology, training, leadership, culture and mindset to help you arrive in a place where you are the market leader?
- Ensure that you have the balance of work and play right with work being in balance first. Exercise and keep your mind, body and soul fit. Plan daily and stick to it. Like a world class athlete who is at the top of their game, train regularly and hone in your skills and talent.
- Take time out for you, your family and friends
Plan for the future you want to have, or somebody else will plan it for you.
Sadhana Smiles, CEO, Harcourts Victoria.
Sadhana Smiles is chief executive officer of Harcourts Victoria, the state division of one of Australia’s leading and well respected real estate brands. She is also a popular speaker and presenter, and is regularly asked to speak at some of the industry’s most prestigious events, including ARPM, AREC, AREL, RELC, the REINSW Women’s Conference and the Harcourts Conference. Sadhana is also a regular contributor to a number of national real estate journals and publications.