Companies are human systems, not unemotional, inanimate objects. Therefore, the attraction and retention of the right individuals in any business is crucial to its success. Finding the right individual for the job is not just about skills and experience. But how do employers know if they have the right individual and how do potential employees know if a job is right for them?
It is all about human values – not morals and ethics, but the things that are most valuable or important to us.
Everyone has a set of values, or things that are most important to them, which we can determine by observing the actions they take. Values are like fingerprints: no two people have the same set of values and no one's values are right or wrong. We need a way of identifying the true values of an individual before making a hiring decision, and the individual needs to understand the values of the organisation before taking the job.
After 42 years of research into human behaviour, I’ve developed what I call the Demartini Value Determination Process. This is a series of 13 questions that reveals what an individual truly values.
1. What do you fill your space with (home and office)?
2. How do you spend your time?
3. What energises you the most?
4. What do you spend your money on?
5. Where are you most organised?
6. Where you are most disciplined and reliable?
7. What do you think about or focus on most?
8. What do you envision or dream about most?
9. What do you internally dialogue about most?
10. What do you externally dialogue about most?
11. What are you inspired about most?
12. What do you set goals towards most?
13. What do you love to study or read about most?
People give three answers for each, which allows the employer and potential employee to see a pattern forming. Then you need to distil the answers to find out what came up most, second most, third most and so on until you have compiled a hierarchy of about three to seven values.
Our voids (things we perceive to be missing from our lives) give rise to our values. Analyse what you value and you will see it is what you most perceive missing, or out of order, in your life. For example, if you perceive you are missing money, then building wealth will appear high up on your values.
For those individuals trying to decide what job best suits them, knowing what they value most provides the clue to the type of work that would ensure an inspired and fulfilled life.
For employers who are looking to hire, the Demartini Value Determination Process will reveal what will be the keys to engaging your future employee. Because employee’s values are evolving it is wise to update these value determining and linking processes quarterly.