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July 2024

What do brokers do to unwind?

With the world of broking being as busy as ever, it’s crucial that brokers ensure they can deal with the stress of a constant barrage of phone calls, emails, and meetings. As heard on The Adviser podcasts, we find out what brokers do to de-stress and unwind
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Julian Fayad
Julian Fayad

Jiujitsu and golf

I do jiujitsu and that’s my gym session. I usually train on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as a minimum. I really enjoy jiujitsu for a couple of reasons. It’s really tough physically [but] it’s also a mental puzzle, so it’s stimulating both physically and mentally. There’s a sense of camaraderie in martial arts and a sense of grading. You have a belt system and you track your progress as you go along. So it’s really fulfilling.

I love playing golf for a couple of reasons; the people I play with (usually my brothers and some people we have business relationships with) and because it’s one of the only things where you’re not touching your phone, getting notifications, or thinking about your email inbox.

Julian Fayad
Julian Fayad

Tayla Phillips
Tayla Phillips
Resolve Finance

Running and naturopathy

Balance is major for me. To keep my equilibrium, I used to do triathlons with my dad. Running is awesome. It really helps my mental clarity and my performance.

It’s probably really simple, but going to bed early, reading, switching off. If I have a really good night’s sleep, I wake up so refreshed.

I also see a naturopath, who I’ve been working with for years. Keeping on top of my health is imperative. If we don’t have that, we don’t have anything. So looking after that is crucial to me. Taking time out. You need it – it’s a no-brainer. Everyone who knows me knows that my pantry is filled with fish oil tablets and magnesium and jinxing and everything.

Tayla Phillips
Tayla Phillips
Resolve Finance

Tony Schelling
Tony Schelling
Mortgage Choice

Periodic long breaks

People should have a clear review every five years and take a decent break; I’m talking about having six weeks off. If you don’t, you’ll just be doing another five years and wondering what happened to the last five years that went past! So you just need to have these breaks.

When you’re working for somebody else, you naturally get your holiday leave and long service leave. But [business owners] don’t allow themselves to take [breaks] even though they’ve got the capacity to do it, financially, probably better than anyone else.

They need to give themselves the opportunity and time and not worry.

Tony Schelling
Tony Schelling
Mortgage Choice

Grace Green
Grace Green
Loan Market


I do lots of workations – work and vacations together – because we can still write loans at the beach!

In the morning on a family holiday, I’ll get up early while my family is still sleeping to allocate my day’s tasks to my team and then I go on a quick trip somewhere. Every couple of months I go on a three- or four-day trip. Sometimes I do a big month away because I need to feel like there are perks in my business.

Grace Green
Grace Green
Loan Market

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