Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s vision for technology and innovation is aligned with the views of many prominent mortgage groups, according to NextGen.Net’s Tony Carn.
The mortgage technology provider recently gathered executives from Aussie Home Loans, Mortgage Choice, Smartline, AFG, Connective, FAST and Finsure to discuss the importance of technology and innovation to the survival and success of the third-party channel.
Just weeks after NextGen.Net instigated its Broker Executive Technology Workshop, Mr Carn said the Prime Minister cited the same two elements as being key to his strategic future focus.
Mr Carn said the bi-annual workshop was designed to bring together some of the best minds in the broking industry and prompt conversations about technology and innovation, allowing NextGen.net to leverage off the collective knowledge of attendees.
“We want to understand common grassroots issues from the viewpoint of the broker and aggregator and devise our technology roadmap accordingly,” he said.
Included on the workshop’s agenda was the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act), and its potential impact on brokers.
“These AML changes are coming in and we want to ensure we approach data capture and broker experience in a standardised way,” Mr Carn said.
Aussie Home Loans head of projects and workshop attendee Richard Hilliard said there are times when it works in favour of mortgage groups to collaborate.
“I found it enormously beneficial to be in a room with industry peers. It became clear that we face similar challenges and we’re all after similar outcomes from technology,” he said.
“Sure we’re competitive across our offerings, but when it comes to technology and making the lodgement process more efficient, we can get much better outcomes by working together and sharing experiences.”
Mr Hilliard has urged NextGen.net to hold the workshops on a more frequent basis.
“There’s a lot of detailed content that requires time to get into the meat of it,” he said.
[Related: Does technology help us or hinder us?]