In a note to brokers this week, the major bank revealed that handwritten applications will be scrapped in favour of a ‘click and drag’ process to upload all loan documents.
“We understand you want to spend your valuable time having deep and meaningful loan conversations with customers so we’ve enhanced our ANZ home loan application process, making it easier for you to lodge a home loan application with us,” the bank said.
ANZ’s application capture process will be 100 per cent online from 14 July for eLodge users and 19 July for Apply Online users.
In addition to submitting a full individual or joint end-to-end application through Apply Online or eLodge, brokers will soon be able to capture a company or trust mortgage application, including the business entity, online.
The major bank further explained the new features of its updates application form.
“The updated application form will be dynamically created by the system based on the application type,” it said. “For example, if there is a guarantor in the application, the guarantor checklist section will be completed online or Breakfree details will only generate where applicable.”
Importantly, ANZ will now only require one signature form the borrower: “When you print the application for the customer to sign they only need to sign in the Applicant/Guarantor Declaration section,” the bank said. “All terms and conditions have been moved to the Applicant/Guarantor Declaration section so the customer only has to sign the application once.”