St George bank has launched a free online accreditation and training system for brokers.
The system allows brokers that are not accredited with St George or BankSA to not only gain accreditation but all the necessary product knowledge in order to sell the lender’s mortgage suite.
Brokers that wish to become accredited with the lender are asked to complete a self paced online training module before sitting a revised online assessment.
“We want to make it easier for brokers to do business with us by continuing to invest in the broker channel with initiatives such as online broker accreditation,” St George’s general manager of intermediary distribution Steven Heavey said.
“The new online training and assessment system will ensure that all accredited brokers are well trained in product and policy, which is of vital importance to St George, the broker and of course, the customer.”
Mr Heavey said the new online accreditation and training system was created to give new brokers the best possible on-boarding experience, using a system that is interesting, informative and market leading. From registration, a broker will be required to complete a training module and will have 30 days to pass the assessment, in which they must score at least 75 per cent within three attempts.
The system is also a great tool to give existing brokers a product and procedure refresher course when required.