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Non-bank sectors' hold on commercial lemding remains strong

by Staff Reporter • 13 Jul 2007
According to the latest JP Morgan and Fujitsu Australian Equity Research report, the small to medium enterprise... READ MORE

Non-banks blamed for super raid

by Staff Reporter • 2 Jul 2007
Various sections of the media have been giving the non-bank sector a hard time of late, with reports of bullying... READ MORE

Cross-culture thinking: Macquarie Mortgages takes a wider view

by Staff Reporter • 2 Jul 2007
With its loan book now exceeding $20 billion, and an estimated growth figure of 30 per cent expected for the end of... READ MORE

June 07: Winning borrowers' hearts and minds

by Staff Reporter • 22 Jun 2007
When it comes to spreading the word about the best Australian mortgage products and service, non-bank customers are... READ MORE

June 07: Non-bank consolidation cross road

by Staff Reporter • 4 Jun 2007
When you consider some of the deals going down it would seem the wider industry is awash with action, and that we... READ MORE

Reverse mortgages exposed

by Staff Reporter • 4 Jun 2007

A buyer?s market it ain?t

by Staff Reporter • 4 Jun 2007
HIA managing director Ron Silberberg claimed the crisis was “not part of some cyclical trend that will correct... READ MORE

Property outlook: First home buyers are back

by Staff Reporter • 4 Jun 2007
The financial daily reports that May saw a 3 per cent rise in home loan approvals, the strongest since January... READ MORE
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